I was born on Laesoe, a small island of North Jutland in Denmark where I spent my childhood and a piece of my adolescence in contact with unspoiled nature. Here I learned the spirit and joy of “being together” by scrutinizing the 2000 souls of the island meeting in traditional small culinary festivals or musical events.
Now after an one year trip around the world, 9 years living in Brazil where I had my restaurant and did consultant jobs on start-ups, a degree in Leisure & Management, I live in Sardinia, Italy with my family.
Today my goal is to create events for people seasoned with all my experiences from around the world, so that they can live their important moments exclusively and originally leaving them something unforgettable.


In Brazil, some of my friends asked me for the first time to organize their wedding on the beach and everything has started from there.
I remember the stress to ensure that everything worked perfectly from the choice of the location based on the high tide to personally coordinating and creating decorations, catering etc … an immense job, from food to music and much more that gave me a particular emotion that revealed to me which were my real ambitions.


In Brazil, some of my friends asked me for the first time to organize their wedding on the beach and everything started from there.
I remember the stress to ensure that everything worked perfectly from the choice of the location based on the high tide to personally packing decorations, catering … an immense job, from food to music and much more that gave me a particular emotion to reveal to me which They were my real ambitions.


In Copenhagen my skills and experience in corporate events have expanded thanks to events organized by Brammers Event Management, who showed me the needs and critical issues of a great event, by the management of the staff involved in the food and beverage to coordination of the timing of the artistic performances, music and various artists throughout the event.


Since I was a child I have studied several musical instruments first of all the classic guitar and transverse flute and then many others up to a percussion course in Cuba.
This has given me friendships that has marked the Danish and European music scene allowing me to enjoy experiences as an art director of music videos where I was able to deal with one of my most intimate passions … painting.
Painting reveals my dreamlike world made of unconventional forms and strange animated beings who sometimes gave me artistic ideas for small festivals or unusual performances.


Since I was a child I have studied several musical instruments first of all the transverse flute and then many others up to a percussion course in Cuba.
This training course gave me friendships that marked the Danish and European music scene allowing me experiences as an art director of music videos where I was able to deal with one of my most intimate passions … painting.
Painting reveals my dreamlike world made of unconventional forms and strange animated beings who sometimes gave me artistic ideas for small festivals or unusual performances.


The cuisine has marked many years from my adolescence until creating a restaurant in Brazil being the chef .
To imagine, create a dish and manage a crew in the kitchen allowed me to refine my experience in creating and leading a team, from the management of suppliers and the accountant to the emotional management of my crew … a huge work but with so many satisfactions.
My restaurant and smaller consultant jobs for start-ups was the ideal showcase for some European investors who entrusted me with all the leisure management of some new resorts and boutique hotels that now have a history in the tourist panorama of the Rio Grande Do Norte region in Brazil.